Non verbal and Sign Language

Kids who are non verbal can often learn many basic signs which give them an alternative to using their voice to communicate.  American Sign Language or ASL uses many different aspects of communication through body language, facial expressions and gestures, that allows non verbal kids to give information easily and with less frustration.

Parents are often overwhelmed by the amazing amount of information that is now needed to learn about their child and how to cope with the many different components of having a special needs kiddo.

Communication is essential before we can alter behavior.  If you want to explain why, how, when, what for, etc., to your child – every method of communication is acceptable.  With children that do not have hearing loss, sign language provides an additional modality or form of language that their brain processes differently.  Just another resource for you to try with your kid.

There are many ways to learn sign language in the community and on line.  One of my favorite ways to learn sign is by watching Signing Time!  No other set of videos teaches sign language to parents and Special Needs kids as well as these.   The different series’ cover almost every aspect of daily living and routines.  In my 10 years of working with special needs kids as well as my own kids, sign language has improved all levels of communication.


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